IATC is committed to the process by which an athlete prepares for and reaches peak performance. Through thousands of hours of application and research our team leaders have perfected the steps by which a periodized preparation-training regimen combines and integrates mind, body and spirit in athletic performance. In this way, within the intensity of sport performance all segments of the athlete’s personality, physical will and game skills combine at precise moments to formulate the ideal blend of focus, concentration and sport specific mental visualization skills.


The EADP is the central feature by which a sport entity improves their player’s capability, and coaches are taught how to apply it cyclically, through planned modulations of training segments that each are subsumed into the next facet of the elite athlete’s development program. EADP is the backbone of the IATC delivery system as it truly allows the full human potential and authentic engagement of coaches and players at every level of the athletic experience.